The product

What is it for?

Feeding bowls are designed to contain the different parts which are inserted randomly. They are joined firmly to the vibrating ‘motor’ underneath.
Would you like to know which bowl is more suitable for your parts? Check our Free Test service.

All different models, from 150 mm to 1500 mm diameter, have a track inside starting from the bottom area and ending at the top.

The orienting of the parts can take place by means of different methods and it requires experience, professional skills and talent. In order to choose structure and materials for the most suitable bowl, different factors must be taken into consideration on the basis of the parts to be oriented.

In Gasco Group we can decide, even from a drawing or image of the parts, we can determine which is the right bowl for your machinery.

How to choose?

The term pre-selected bowls refers to bowls which have already been partially designed to be customised.

Cylindrical bowls, for example, can be already equipped with external track plates with relevant indentation, or conical bowls might be equipped with a plate conveying the part from the vertical to the horizontal level. For any model it is also possible to have exit tracks implemented, fully or only in part.

All these features are 3D designed to help individual individual customising of every bowl.
Contact us and we will guide you to the right choice!

Pre-selected cylindrical bowls

Pre-selected conical containers

Pre-selected stepped bowls

Technical features

Materials and customising

Tutte le nostre tazze standard sono in Inox Aisi 304, ma possono essere realizzate anche in Aisi 316, acciaio al manganese, o con piste avvitate in C75. La finitura standard è una micro-pallinatura interna ed esterna, ma è possibile anche una lucidatura manuale o di un’elettrolucidatura certificata.
Possiamo fornire diverse tipologie di rivestimenti interni da incollare dopo la personalizzazione.
A richiesta saldatura continua delle piste con relativa certificazione.
Le tazze possono essere realizzate con dimensioni (diametro esterno, larghezza spira, passo) dedicate e speciali. Possibili adattamenti per essere utilizzate anche su basi vibranti di altri brand.

You can combine this container with a vibrating base:

Discover the other vibrating containers: